Select Ballot #80
Meet Yvette
Yvette Young is a candidate who is
exceptionally qualified to serve as a
member of Philadelphia’s City Council,
She was born and raised in the
West Oak Lane neighborhood in
Philadelphia. Her mother, Jacqueline
Hentz was a U.S. Postal worker for
30 years. Her father Herman Hamilton Sr.
worked at Nabisco. She received her
Associates Degree from the Pennsylvania
Institute of Technology in Civil/Architectural
Engineering Technology; and while raising
her children as a co-parenting mom, she
worked to complete her bachelor’s degree of Science in Construction/Engineering Technology and her master’s degree of Science in Civil Engineering from Temple University School of Engineering. Professionally, two of the positions Yvette held were in the City of Philadelphia, Construction Auditor (CPT III - DC33) in the Office of the Controller and as Project Coordinator in the Capital Projects Division.
Yvette was also employed as the Assistant Director of Facilities and Special Projects with the School District of Philadelphia; and as the Manager of Facilities Planning, and Staff Engineer at the Philadelphia Gas Works. Her commitment to customer service was implanted working for United Parcel Service. Yvette is currently employed as Director of Facilities for the Pottsgrove School District. Yvette maintains a commitment to working within the community and serves as a member on the Board of Life Turning Point of Philadelphia, a non-profit organization that provides scelter, and biblical life skills to women and their children.
Yvette has also worked with the School District of Philadelphia, in developing entrepreneurial business opportunities within the schools, including the restoration of trade school programs. To work with organizations such as Men Who Care, Women Who Care, Save Our Sons, Man Up Philly, and other organizations focused on creating ways of decreasing violence in our communities.
Strong. Experience.
"Let's build a
better city for a
better tomorrow."
Why I Want to Serve
You as a Member of
the Philadelphia City Council’
To enact legislation that will repair Philadelphia’s failing schools. To develop programs and procedures to protect our environment/to combat the causes that increasingly impact our climate as well as the adverse effects of stormwater runoff, flooding, etc. To develop community-supported policing programs with a primary focus on mitigating crime and violence. To obtain information on the city’s current infrastructure of its streets, sidewalks and pavements in order to effectively improve these surfaces. To build affordable housing, while working with the community to maintain neighborhood continuity. To support schools and businesses with malware and hacking protections. Adopt harm reduction and public health approaches to substance use so that the priority is saving lives.
To highlight the need to increase the number of older adult centers.
What I’m Doing Now to Prepare to Serve as
Your Councilperson
Collaborating with individuals with a shared commitment to make Philadelphia a stronger city. Like many other families, tragedy has impacted Yvette’s life. Her four brothers and her parents have passed, but her faith and commitment to her family and two sons, Joel and Jordan, has inspired her to run for the office of City Council in the 9TH Council District. Yvette will take the lessons she has learned working for and with the City of Philadelphia and the experiences she has had growing up working in Philadelphia to enact legislation that will repair our failing schools, develop programs and procedures that protect our environment, and develop community-based safety programs that will help mitigate the crime and violence that has become too common in our City.
She believes the 9TH Council District deserves a Councilperson who is elected, not selected.
Why I Want to Serve You as a Member of the
Philadelphia City Council
To enact legislation that will repair Philadelphia’s failing schools.
To develop programs and procedures to protect our environment/to combat the causes that increasingly impact our climate as well as the adverse effects of stormwater runoff, flooding, etc.
To develop community-supported policing programs with a primary focus on mitigating crime and violence.
To obtain information on the city’s current infrastructure of its streets, sidewalks and pavements in order to effectively improve these surfaces.
To build affordable housing, while working with the community to maintain neighborhood continuity.
To support schools and businesses with malware and hacking protections.
Adopt harm reduction and public health approaches to substance use so that the priority is saving lives.
To highlight the need to increase the number of older adult centers
Work with the School District of Philadelphia, in developing entrepreneurial business opportunities within the schools, including the restoration of trade school programs.
To work with organizations such as Men Who Care, Women Who Care, Save Our Sons, Man Up Philly, and other organizations focused on creating ways of decreasing violence in our communities.
What I’m Doing Now to Prepare to
Serve as Your Councilperson
Collaborating with individuals with a shared commitment to make Philadelphia a stronger city,
Like many other families, tragedy has impacted Yvette’s life. Her four brothers and her parents have passed, but her faith and commitment to her family and two sons, Joel and Jordan, has inspired her to run for the office of City Council in the 9TH Council District. Yvette will take the lessons she has learned working for and with the City of Philadelphia, and the experiences she has had growing up working in Philadelphia, to enact legislation that will repair our failing schools, develop programs and procedures that protect our environment, and develop community-based safety programs that will help mitigate the crime and violence that has become too common in our City. She believes the 9TH Council District deserves a Councilperson who is elected, not selected.